Zonal median profiles over land of (a) reanalysis precipitation (P) and surface net radiation (Rn), both in units of W m−2; (b) P/Rn; (c) EF from the reanalysis (black solid line), Budyko’s relation [Eq. (11); black dashed line], and surface (0–7 cm) volumetric soil moisture from the reanalysis, scaled by a factor of 2, to aid comparison with EF (red solid line); (d) RH from the reanalysis (black solid line), Budyko’s relation for EF combined with our theory [Eqs. (11) and (6), red solid line], and reanalysis EF combined with our theory [Eq. (6); red dashed line].
Citation: Journal of Climate 37, 4; 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0342.1